United States by State Information US territory of Puerto Rico
Civil Cases / Statute of Limitations:
3 yrs. for Collection of Debt cases
15 yrs. for Contractual Agreements
15 yrs. for Judgments
Puerto Rico is a Community Property State
Civil Cases / Statute of Limitations:
3 yrs. for Collection of Debt cases
15 yrs. for Contractual Agreements
15 yrs. for Judgments
Puerto Rico is a Community Property State
This summary of Statute of Limitation laws has been researched with the assistance of our local listees in the state. Laws change and we suggest that you verify this information for yourself. Always consult with a local listed law firm. THE BAO LYON GROUP, LLC. DISCLAIMS ANY LIABILITY FOR DIRECT, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES RESULTING FROM RELIANCE OF THIS INFORMATION BY ANY PARTY WHATSOEVER UPON THE LEGALITY AND ACCURACY OF THE CONTENTS THEREOF.